Welcome to Our Family!

Families First Mediation was started in 2009 by owner Julie Gill and has grown and evolved ever since then.

From the setup of our office to our approach while working with you we want you to feel part of our family. We understand the emotional stress on families of the many challenges, changes and disagreements that can come up. We can’t change what happened but we can do everything we can not to make it worse. In fact, we try really hard to ensure that you leave us in a better place than when you found us.

Whatever your family situation we can help you communicate, resolve your conflict and actively participate in making decisions and creating plans that save you time, money and stress.

Julie Gill


Want to know why I became a Mediator? Read My Story.

I started Families First Mediation after a 20 year career in the financial industry, ending as the Assistance Vice President at a top 5 bank. While I loved the work and certainly the people that I worked with, it was time for a change. It was time to restructure my life, find some work-life balance and help real people. Using my skills and life experience in a meaningful way is where I find myself now. In many cases, I have been there, done that and have the T-shirt!

I love learning and have continued to upgrade my skills and services according to the needs of the families that I work with. I expect that will be a life-long activity.

I’m a mediator, mediation-arbitrator, arbitrator and coach. While I primarily work with families, I find working with workplace families very rewarding also. Workplace training and mediation still have a pull for me as that is the environment I spent much of my life in. 

I’m a part-time adjudicator with Tribunals Ontario on the Social Benefits Tribunal. I’m the Past Chair of the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO), and a member of Family Mediation Canada(FMC), Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN), and ADR Institute of Ontario(ADRIO). I have a wealth of training working with families, dispute resolution, negotiation, and even restorative justice. 

I’m a roster mediator and trainer with Telus Health (formerly Morneau Shepell) and a roster mediator with the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program (OMMP – Toronto). I volunteer with the Durham Elder Abuse Network. 


Q.Med               Qualified Mediator(ADRIO)

AccFM                 Accredited Family Mediator (OAFM)

AccIM                Accredited Intergenerational Mediator (OAFM)

FDRP Fin         Certified Specialist in Family Separation Finances (FDRIO)

Cert.EM Adv    Advanced Certified Elder Mediator (FMC)

Cert.EM Adv    Advanced Certified Elder Mediator (EMIN)

MHFA Cert.      Mental Health First Aid Certified (Mental Health First Aid Canada)

QFAS                  Qualified Family Arbitration Screener (FDRIO)

Robert Rock

(Currently on leave)


I have come to Mediation and Arbitration later in life. In a way, I’m happy that I have because I bring with me a long work history in negotiation and conflict resolution from working in and with large organizations. While the conflicts can be different than family issues, the mechanism for understanding the dynamics and helping to find resolutions are similar.

I am to help both parties find the most equitable solution for any issues that have arisen between them. This may be through mediation or arbitration, or a hybrid approach of the two called Med-Arb.

I am a member of the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario and the ADR Institute of Ontario. I have training in Arbitration, Mediation, and Wills and Estates.

I love to help with resolving family issues, and in particular am focused on family businesses, wills and estates, and elder issues.

Melissa Haddad

Dispute Resolution Coordinator

Melissa Haddad has been a part of Families First Mediation since 2015. She is the voice you hear over the phone and the first person you will receive an email from. Prior to joining Families First Mediation, Melissa worked for Rogers TV and met Julie while filming Julie’s show We Need To Talk and when Melissa was faced with the opportunity to be part of the team, the only answer was, “Yes!”

As Melissa celebrates 6 years of being part of the team and seeing the evolution of what Families First Mediation has become, she realizes this was one of the best decisions that she has made. She is able to be the first voice that someone hears when looking for a solution to their marriage ending, their Mom moving into a care facility or concerns about an Estate. It means a great deal to her to be there for someone in their time of need…this is why she continues to stay!