I was on vacation with my daughter last week and missed posting about a special milestone. The 10-year anniversary of the Grand Opening of Families First Mediation!!
I have since started another business Separation Coach.com to fill in gaps not supported by mediation.
I have more letters after my name and more grey hair.
I have more stories, more confidence and more sensitivity.
I have created more awareness of mediation and its value to families.
I looked at the pictures before posting this and remember it clearly. Some people are no longer with me, some are no longer with us.
A little snippet from my speech February 27, 2010 “As much as I would love this day to be about me and my accomplishments that’s just not what my business is about. I need to take this opportunity to thank some people for making me who I am today and giving me the confidence and strength to do this on my own.”
10 years later and I still have to thank some of the same people for their endless support and confidence in me… plus a few more!
My kids, Kieran and Reilly. 10 years later I get to add my steps Jake and Will to my list.
My Mom, Dad and Stephen. 10 years later I get to add Kristen, Viggo and Keane into that mix.
My extended family Auntie Jean, Heather, Uncle George, Auntie Tina and Uncle Willy.
My special friends who feel like family Vera, Marty, Gigi, Janice, Tony, Stuart, Irene and John.
I can’t forget my biggest supporter! My partner in crime and life, Rob.
And last but certainly not least, my clients. I have been honored to meet amazing people and help them through some difficult times. Their continued support in sharing their experience with Families First Mediation and referring me to people means the world to me and I am so humbled and appreciative.
As it was 10 years ago it still is today, a business built on providing and receiving support.
As I look forward to the next 10 years, I am excited not only to see where this adventure takes me but to see how mediation grows as a solution for families in conflict.
Cheers to another 10 years!!