Have you been divorced before?
If not, you probably don’t know where to start or what to do!
That is not uncommon.

I was sitting in the hospital today with my daughter trying to get her care. She was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago and is still struggling. Today the emergency doctor asked what has been happening since the accident and wanted to know why we were there. Although I knew what had led up to our hospital visit, the honest answer I gave him was “I just don’t know what to do”. That’s when it hit me. I sound just like my clients!!!! I just wanted help.
Does this sound familiar?
- I don’t want to make a bad decision now that will cause harm in the future.
- I don’t know what my next step should be.
- I don’t know what professionals I need and how to get in touch with them.
- I don’t want to miss anything.
Sounds like everyone going through a separation and/or divorce!
As confident as I am as a mediator that I can walk people through the process, their options and connect them with the right professionals – they don’t know me. I am asking them to put a lot of trust in me. Little old me.
Then I think about, how scary it is to be in a position that you never expected, you never planned and you have no idea how to manage. Add to that the emotional turmoil, frustration and things not moving at the speed you would like and what do you have? FEAR, plain and simple.
Only you can decide what is right for you. When I started typing “only you” all I could think about was “Only you can stop forest fires” haha, sorry back to the point. Gathering information, making sure that you are comfortable with the information you are being given and that you only act on the information that you feel is right is what will help alleviate that fear.
I think that those of use in the divorce industry need to get much better at helping people manage that fear. With information, with empathy and with empowerment.
We help people through a huge life transition and we have the power to make it a little easier and a little better. I really want to say A LOT better and A LOT easier but sometimes that is just wishful thinking no matter how could I am at my work.
Although you may not know what you DON’T know. You do know what you DO know and what you feel.
- Question everything.
- Only make informed decisions.
- Do what you feel is right in your gut or your heart; whichever one you trust more.
Just make sure you are comfortable with the information that you have gathered, that you make the best decisions based on your situation and that you can move on without feeling that you missed something.
All I can do with my daughter is my best. All you can do through your separation is your best. And YES your best is good enough.
Mediator and Owner
Durham Region, Ontario