Changes To The Family Law Process In Ontario Are Still Needed

family law

Here’s a letter that I wrote back in 2010 to a person that wanted support from someone in the “divorce industry’ to help them with their battle to change the Family Law Process. I had the added (dis)advantage of having also personally gone through it. I just found it and had a quick read. I still feel strongly that lawyers and mediators should work together more to benefit our clients. I have however softened a little as I have met some wonderful lawyers that ARE client focused. Have a read and let me know what you think. I’d love the feedback.

I’m writing this letter in support of your efforts to bring awareness to the changes so desperately needed in the current family law process.

Human Resources and Mediation – A Dynamic Duo

HR and mediation

It’s well documented that employee stress is a growing concern for organizations today. Stress that negatively impacts the workplace may come from work, personal or family sources.

Workplace dynamics are as unique as each organization and should be aligned to the organizational culture. Having strong Human Resource Management is important to balancing workplace dynamics.

A key role for Human Resources (HR) is to act as an employee advocate.   External mediators act as partners to assist with disputes and training. Mediation provides a process that is fair, balanced and confidential. Whether founded or not, a common criticism of HR partners is that they are in place only to support management and employee issues are not dealt with fairly.

10 Tips To Avoid Money Conflict In Your Relationships

Relationships and Money are the perfect breeding ground for conflict. Fear and change can often lead to conflict, in any situation. People have very strong emotions about money. It is the emotions an...

Is Mediation Right For You?

is mediation right for you

As with any process, mediation is not for everyone. Some people can work out their terms without outside assistance, while others require legal and/or psychological support. Your conflict may be fami...