In a National Post article today I read that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have announced that they will now be handling their divorce privately, which I am so happy to hear. Read the article here:
Celebrity or not, divorce should be private. Well, that’s my feeling anyways. As a family mediator I work with couples every day going through this really tough life transition.
I truly understand the need for support during this time and the need for some details to get shared with the appropriate people. Support is one thing, publicizing your divorce details is quite another.
I know some couples will do it to try to get an advantage, to have friends and family take sides or to shift some of the guilt and anger they feel. These are emotional reactions to hurt. They are not however focused on moving forward, the children or even the individuals best interests.
Angelina and Brad have found a process that works for them and say they are committed to act as a united front going forward. I always say to my clients, “You got into this together, get out of it together” – I think this is more often than not, the most effective way for families to move through a separation.
This is not a time for gossip. There are children involved and their right to be protected, supported and cared for should be paramount. Congratulations to Angelina and Brad for putting the focus back on the children and now handling their divorce privately.
Julie Gill Q.Med, CDFA
Owner and Principal Mediator
Families First Mediation